Monday, June 29, 2015


I always have had a lot going on in my life and sometimes don't think I asked the question "why?" enough. I have come a far way in my accomplishments but have always felt held back. Not by others, not by the world, but by myself.

I was thinking about this before I went to sleep. Why? Why do I feel like I am not good enough? Why do I feel like I'm holding myself back? Then I realized it is because I never asked that simple question "why" before. Why am I in the gym so late? Why am I working through lunch?

I never asked myself why I tried to do things. I lacked the drive and motivation because I had no reason. I had no why.

But I had no why only because I was scared. I never wanted to think about a goal because I was always too scared I'd never accomplish it. I filled my head with so much negativity and doubt that it consumed me.

I need to invite positivity. I need to find reason. I need to ask why. This blog is just a general idea bank for myself to keep up with my thoughts and remember to look for the positive in situations and to find reason in everything I do. (Also emphasis on random thoughts I feel the need to jot down).